Sunday, February 17, 2019

This week I have been mostly... wb 11/02/19

Week beginning 11/02/19

No. of evening meetings: 2
Films watched: 2
Healthy eating: Poor
Mental health: Okay

This week has been fairly uneventful with bog-standard work stuff (filming in West Wales, editing, meetings) and mundane family-life goings on.

I've become ever more cynical about the whole Valentine's day thing the more I've aged (because it's just a commercial envy guilt-trip) and fittingly me and Wifey didn't really get to celebrate it as I was working away and she was ill with a horrific cold. I'm not too bothered, seeing as we had a nice lunch date to celebrate my birthday on Monday.

The one thing that has dominated our lives this week (well, mine anyway) is our malfunctioning Smeg fridge freezer. It started going on the blink a couple of weeks ago, and when we got an engineer to come in and look at it he declared that he couldn't fix it but someone else could (and it would be very expensive). After then getting that someone else to look at it, he indeed confirmed it would be pricey and would take ages for the part since Smeg are useless.

Our fancy pale blue fridge freezer was bought on a whim after we'd received some inheritance money and I've regretted it ever since – even moreso now we have to pay a small fortune to fix the damn thing, and wait weeks in the process. Don't ask why I'm going ahead with this. Just don't.

Living without a functioning fridge freezer is not fun, such is the first world problem that it is. I am constantly worrying about food going off, having stuff that should be cold which isn't and generally paranoid about encouraging the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Ironically, whatever amount we end up spending on repairs could have bought us a brand spanking new unit (admittedly in boring white, but at least it would be functioning). Arggghh!

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