Monday, July 8, 2024

End of an (awful) era

After fourteen years of incompetence, bad judgement, greed, lies and downright stupidity the Tory party are no longer in power.

Thank you Jesus.

I know I'm being a bit flippant there – but I do wonder if sometimes the big guy upstairs intervenes from time to time to boot out the bad apples in government. It's a deep theological question, but I think there's a lot of truth going on with that whole idea (not that I've got the time or academic nouse to go into any detail).

Anyhoo, Rishi Sunak is no longer Prime Minister and a lot of his cronies are out of a job. How deeply satisfying.

It's a bittersweet victory though. Labour have very much pulled to the right in order to woo floating conservative voters, playing it safe and offering a manifesto that's vague and uninspiring. Not only that, they've inherited a broken Britain plagued by rising NHS waiting lists, overflowing prisons, polluted rivers and a cost of living crisis (to name just a few problems).

Reform have gained five seats, pandering to the illiogical and frankly stupid fear of immigrants held by people. who have been lied to. The Tories are not completely wiped out and no doubt they will bide their time until they can have another go at getting into power. Plus the percentage of actual voters was painfully low, with a huge proportion of the country simply uninterested in who governs the country.

Still, at least the LibDems, Greens and Plaid increased their seats. And Labour do have a few good ideas floating about such as a national power company. Whether they'll do it or not is the question.

For the first time in many years, I feel a bit more hopeful about things going forward. To think, my children will live in a country that for once in a generation isn't run by public schoolboys on the take.

The only downer is that Trump is doing well across the pond, and if he wins in November we're all screwed.


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