Most CDs aimed at toddlers start to turn you mental after hearing them for the hundredth time, but for some reason, it's different listening to HCTABCs over and over. You don't seem to mind, and soon start singing along with childish glee.
The band members have obviously got to the stage where they have kids of their own, and figured they could release something better than what was currently available. It must be lots of fun putting something like this together - you don't have to worry about 'pleasing' your audience, coming up with meaningful and insightful lyrics. You just let your imagination run riot and have a blast.
I particularly like 'The Alphabet of Nations', 'Flying V' and 'Who Put The Alphabet In Alphabetical Order?'- suitably random but catchy tunes. My only gripe is that they say 'Zee' for Z and not 'Zed' like in the Queen's English, but - hey! - what can you do? They're American, bless 'em!
So, if you can't think of what to get your nephew/niece/son/daughter/grandchild, I thoroughly recommend this CD (alternatively, you could get it yourself to please your inner child).
Also, check out Snacktime by the Barenaked Ladies. I haven't heard it, but it's a similar concept and knowing the BNLs it should be damn good fun, too!