Monday, February 16, 2009

A minor change

In case you hadn't noticed, I have changed my tagline.

It used to read: 'Random mumblings from an aspiring writer, filmmaker and paranoid geek.', but I have changed the last bit to 'bewildered dad' only because paranoid geek sounded a bit, you know, negative. Maybe bewildered dad is a bit negative, but I think it is quite apt as I try and muddle my way through this whole parenting thing without messing up my kids too much...


  1. FWIW, I reckon you'll be an excellent Dad (and Geek too for that matter) Only one thing remains - you'll need to corect yor speling of bewlidered.

  2. Yu sed yu wuz uh "bewlidered" dahd (yn the tagglyne)

  3. Oh yeah - I coulda sworn I used a spelchecka
